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Kokosing Farewell is a FIST scenario that takes place at a small ghost-hunting college nominally run by CYCLOPS.

The PDF is 33 pages, with clean, college-photocopy-feeling layout that's thematically consistent with the material and easy to read.

Contents-wise, this is more of a quirky sandbox than a nitroglycerine thrill-ride, but it packs a lot of flavor and makes good use of its lower stakes. The PCs infiltrate the college by posing as students and faculty, and this requires them to move slowly pick small engagements, which the book provides plenty of. 

There are roll tables for cool beats, a few hauntings, and overall an environment where the PCs can explore and run into little bits of tension and drama without being in massive danger. It's a college, in other words.

The writing is brisk and accessible, and has a mostly casual voice. It also has some great humorous beats. There's books bound in tiger fur that *won't* animate and attack you if you give them little scritches before opening them. There's a sculptor with a House Of Leaves ability that he uses to enthrall PCs. There's a table of textbook cover designs, with only one entry being "something relevant to the textbook."

There are a few clear missions that Kokosing Farewell offers, and they fit the flavor of the supplement perfectly, but a lot of what Farewell provides is downtime. If your group wants to let their characters breathe for a bit, this is the perfect pick.

Overall, Kokosing Farewell is an interesting scenario that almost changes FIST's genre. It made me nostalgic while reading it, so I'm inclined to call it a success even if I don't get to run it. If you like lower stakes FIST missions, character development, or weird schools, absolutely give this one a try.

What an excellent supplement!

"Kokosing Farewell" is a love letter to the days of higher education filled with biting kisses towards Keynon College, but it's commentary could be applied to any college or university. Think, "Animal House" but everyone is also a supernaturally powered spy.

Inside you'll find an opportunity to send your FIST agents back to school to cause ruckus and mayhem in a secret CYCLOPS recruiting facility. The missions offer just enough to get ya started with NPC's, motivations, and locations. And the campus itself is small enough to allow for more interpersonal opportunities.

I'm loving the pregenerated stuff here. Paintball fights, Demons of Debt, and occasional hauntings to keep you on your toes. This is good stuff.

I love the use of IRL images of the university. The maps of building layouts are excellent. The campus map itself is very spartan in comparison, but it works more than fine enough. Give this setting some love, I know I will.